Finished Size: 30cm ( 12 inches) long, and cm ( 7 inches) tallYou will be notified when we are in receipt of your items and also before starting work on your keepsake to ensure you are comfortable and happy with the process. It is usually a 21 day turnaround. If you require your items faster, please contact us and we will do our very best to accomodate.
It may help if you tell me a bit about the bear and the recipient, please pop a note and any requrements
IMPORTANT: Whether you are dropping the items off by hand or by post, please ensure you pop all items in a bag with a note confirming your name, address and contact details.
If posting, ensure that the package is securely sealed (ideally a bag in a bag) and let me know when you are posting. We will confirm receipt as soon as they arrive.
Please pop your contact number along with any information you would like to share on the notes section.
Guinea Pig
All fabric pieces strengthened with an iron on cotton interfacing.
It is recomended to carefully spot clean areas with damp sponge only if necessary.
These items are made as keepsakes and are not toys.